
Asian American Identity

And Other Topics Related to the Immigrant Asian Experience

What Is This?

This is a blog about being Asian in the West, more specifically in America. The mission is to find our unique identity as an ethnic group here, to unite Asian Americans, and to stop our incessant and ineffective bickering by doing so. We are bullied and pushed around this place because we barely stand up for ourselves, and we let the racists prosper. That has to change, and this is an attempt to help enact that change.

I intend to post once per week, either commenting on recent news or writing an opinion piece. The posts will have a lot of uncensored Asian insults and curses, because if racists aren’t going to censor, why should we?

This website is temporary. For around a year or so, the content will be here since making an official website with fancy stuff will take time for me to do. Meanwhile, the conversation of race moves on, so I have settled this at the moment.

Who Am I?

And What Right Do I Have to Speak for Asian America?

I’m a Chinese-American second generation immigrant. I grew up nearby Fresno, an area where racism flourished. I was called Chink when I was 10. By thirteen I had heard all the other insults. Most memorable, however, was when I was called a Chink by a Hmong-American. That was the one that set me off the most, but I don’t hold it against Hmong-Americans. It just means that the state of Asian America is in shambles.

In honesty, I don’t think I have much of a right to speak. I just want to provoke conversation, no matter how controversial. Disagreement is not only encouraged, but necessary. A variety of opinions is always healthy, so comment below my posts. And please, I encourage you to fire whatever insults and hate speech you want towards me in the comments below. I grew up surrounded by racism, so it’s kinda hard to be affected by it. Moreover, I am a connoisseur of racism, and I thrive on hatred directed towards me.

Asians try not to talk about race, but fuck that; it’s bullshit. Talking about it gives us power. It can only get better with talk.

Also know that I am trying to encourage Asian American voices here. If you’re White, I’m almost certainly going to disregard your opinion. If you’re a Person of Color, same thing. Asians need their own identity, not to cling onto ethnic backgrounds already here. If you comment support, it’ll be thanked, but ultimately we gotta do this on our own.

The Virus

Racism Towards Asians Isn’t Dead.

Lunar New Year 2020 was on January 25. What should’ve been the happiest day in the year for Asians turned into a tragedy …

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